Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Week of Jan. 12th, 2009

Life keeps moving along and I like it that way. Jess went on a surfing trip to of those "chance of a lifetime" deals....funny how some people have more than one "chance of a lifetime".....Sara held the fort down and did a great job. Wyatt came down to spend a couple of days with me, while his brothers attended their preschools. He is still footloose and fancy free while the other boys have higher education obligations. It was great to have him one on one and to get to know his little personality a little more. Here are some of the pictures from our time together ...and of course he is a very big help to Papa.
This little guy has a fixation with glasses right now.

Here's our "Squints"....from Sandlot.

Wyatt likes playing with the DVD covers better than watching the movies.

Pruning time...on the ol' orchard....We have a lot of trees and even more in Camp 150....have fun Steve...maybe Wyatt should be trained to use the pruning sheers.

Jess surfing in Nicuaragua - water temp. 85 degrees. For more pics of Jess' adventure click on his blog link on my sidebar.....he got some good ones.

Sara is ...."The Woman". Not only does she hold down the fort while Jess is gone. She has started a new eating program of healthy foods....managed the boys and squeezed in some skiing at the Snowbowl and continues to meet the demands of a client who is remodeling a property....not to mention keeping up with the house, her church calling and maintaining her exercise program....need I say more?


Unknown said...

I love this blogging stuff I can keep up with all your family, tell Katie she needs to post something more than once a year..... Wyatt is darling how fun
Love monya

Jana said...

Sara can because she has you!!! Love you!

sara said...

Jana just said exactly what I was gonna say!!! SO TRUE! I really couldn't. You guys have saved me more times than I can count.

I love all the pics and the video!!!!! :) He is a little daredevil. Did I tell you about the biggest fit he threw when he woke up from his nap yesterday and you weren't around!?? It was pretty dramatic. He still asks to go to Nana's house every day. My kids are LUCKY!

Marilyn said...

I'm the lucky one! I miss that little stink....he and I had a good time.