Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just Another Day at Nana and Papa's. . . .

Just in case someone might not believe my is a video of some of the day's events...

And then the same busy little boy (Bodie) settles down to build a train track (on his own with some help from Brock) and watch a movie.


Creatively Yours said...

Hi Aunt Marilyn! Okay I hope Uncle Steve wasn't watching Jess push that swing. I was flipping out! Those little boys have no fear! Busy Busy day! I hope my mom gets as much joy out of my boys. I updated my blog finally. I am going to try and keep up this time. Since I have alot of it! Love from Cable Ohio (Carey)

Jana said...

Look at you, you little video editor! So cute! I can't wait to come up for pizza! Love you!

sara said...

Marilyn!!! I LOVED every second of this! I could not stop laughing! Hello, did Wyatt get shaken baby syndrom from the swing!? They do go and go and go!!!! :)