Sunday, May 3, 2009

Katie returns home .....with company!

No one said it would be easy!

Have dog will travel.......notice the weed whacker on top of the car.....hmmmm...who's going to work that.....that's right...Katie!

Having fun yet, Lily?


Who knew it was the biker rally in Laughlin? They were thick as flies!

Lunch at San Luis Pier
Jana and Katie at Morrow Bay

Our new discovery...the little town of Los Olivos...loved it!
Slovang...settled by Danish families.....All of us have Danish ancestors.
Katie finds shoes that fit.
Santa Barbara....outdoor mall and above that the Farmer's Market

Lunch at Paciccuci's....Italian food...very good!

The early morning gardeners....why change into work clothes, when you can work in your jammies?

Future producer of tomatoes and herbs for the farmer's market!

The 7:05 a.m. train to Burbank.

Comfort and good company...who could ask for anything more!

We are not one's to let a good trip pass us we asked Jana and Myrna to join us for the return trip. Myrna is always ready to go with suitcase in hand....Jana did not realize we were serious...but Glen, her sweet husband did and he wanted her to get away and have some fun, so he surprised her with a ticket. We drove over to Arroyo Grande....with 4 crazy, yakkity-yak made the trip go by fast (11 hours) and had a great time. Then we took time and saw the sights: Laughlin, San Luis Pier, Morrow Bay, Los Olivos, Santa Barbara....On the return trip we took the 7:05 a.m. train to Burbank and caught the plane was a fun adventure...and we did it so well....even though we almost missed our plane....almost doesn't count...we made it!

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