Saturday, January 31, 2009

Maybe it is destiny...

Mason's Jewelry, Camp Verde, Ariz.- Thanks Ginger for fixing my ring!

Today Steve and I went over to my favorite jeweler's shop, Mason's Jewelry, in Camp Verde. The shop was quite busy....I needed a repair, some Hopi ladies were there to sell Kachinas, several other customers were there too. I struck up a conversation with one of the Hopi ladies, who was from Old Oribe on Third Mesa...anyway I asked if she had an outdoor bread oven. She said her mother did (that is the lady coming out of the door in the picture) She said they used it a lot in the summer because when they baked in the house it heated the house too much. She also said that they could bake 35 apple pies at one time.....OK!! I really want one of these! She told me that they built the fire on the inside of the oven and when the walls were white hot they scraped the fire out and then placed their bread or pies in for baking. I am fascinated with to tell (exactly) when the oven is hot long to bake....lots of questions. I have ordered a book about outdoor we will see.
Oh, by the way, I am a big fan of the movie "Moonstuck".....and I love the bread scene!!

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