Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July 2009

Packing up the kids to go to the parade and park for the 4th of July ......
All set up in the shade....a major consideration on a hot day....and feeling good we have such a nice cool spot to watch the parade....oh, and this parade is made up of kids on bikes, in wagons, pushed in strollers....and carried by mom's and dads.....all decorated for the 4th.....They throw out candy and that is a major draw for our boys.

Now we move to the park where, once again...we seek the shade and we listen to the community band play patriotic music....they are wonderful....and the drummer let Bodie and Wyatt hit the big drum....that was a highlight for them.

By 10 a.m. the boys had eaten snow cones, candy, & ice cream...Could this day get any better?
Not to them.....this is for sure going to be a GREAT day!

Just playing around in the park....

Waving the flag to the music.....

and of course hanging out on the firetruck......the boys love firetrucks!

Just a happy day!

Rides in an antique firetruck...

Even mom gets to go......then we head back home.....

Brock harvests the garden... Dad, mom, Bodie and Wyatt went riding on the dirt bikes....Brock wanted to stay and help Papa....plus have the pool on the back deck all to himself.
Sometimes he likes just to do his own thing and that works for us.

Dinner on the deck........

Jess joined us....he rode his dirt bike down on the back forest service roads....

Pops went early and set up the observation area for the fireworks....

Yes!......it's time to start the fireworks!!!

What a great show! The evening was cool enough and the show was outstanding!

The grand finale! Whew......364 days until the next 4th of July......ahhhhhhhh!


Jana said...

Very cute! For the first time in a long time we had no fun plans for the 4th so I was bummed! We even debated coming up your way to shop & watch fireworks. I love this holiday & all your pics are adorable! Love you!!!

Marilyn J said...

What a perfect 4th. I love the small towns that still have parades.